* ~ Starlight Forever ~ *

06/09 [info] About Kim Hyunjoong condition

Posted on: June 10, 2009

Credits: Webmaster@DSPent Thailand (The official fanclub forum) + (English Translation) kunarak999@Quainte501.com

“You don’t have to worry about him too much. Now his condition is better.
He’s just waiting for the doctor to give him a thorough check up before
he can be discharged from the hospital.
What is worth is for you guys to give him and the rest of SS501 lots and lots of support.
Because now all 5 of them are working so hard and if they get lots of support from you guys,
they can work hard from the strenght you give them.”


9 Responses to "06/09 [info] About Kim Hyunjoong condition"

I don’t believe it.. of course we will always support SS501 but Kim Hyun Joong Oppa needs to rest!

This is fishy! I wonder if this came directly from HJ’s company, DSP. Why did they keep quiet on the news regarding his health until now? The fans in Korea have no idea, but then the Thai triple S got the bad and good news first.

pls hj get well soon, get some good rest before ue start anything.
ive been praying for ue:) AJA~ SS501 always rocks.

It really sound like from the company, only concern about when is his going to be discharged from the hospital. HJ’s company should not over stress Kim Hyun Joong any more, base on his health condition now. Sleep disorder mainly from stress, hope the company will take care of him and reduce his work load until his is fully recover. Will rather not to see him if that will kill him.

I hope this is true but I think it is. Then it’s great news,he should really take good 2 or 3 weeks rest after being discharged. He really shouldn’t go dashing back to work after from what happened. Please HJ take good care of yourself. And DSP should lessen his load too besides he’s one of the big assets in their agency.

The yearly event planner should include the artist rest and holiday period as well. This enable the artist to re-charge their physical and mental body 100% rejuvenate means refresh.

Artist are human being too and we fans understand it very well that they artist need rest. They should be given a break time after each and every event they have performed at least a week or two weeks.

SS501, plse take the initiative to be your ownself. Do not just follow what you ask to do. Think carefully if you can or you can’t do it. YOU make the choice. I love you all …me from Singapore (Noona Alfa)

The yearly event planner should include the artist rest and holiday period as well. This enable the artist to re-charge their physical and mental body 100% rejuvenate means refresh.

Artist are human being too and we fans understand it very well that they artist need rest. They should be given a break time after each and every event they have performed at least a week or two weeks.

SS501, plse take the initiative to be your ownself. Do not just follow what you ask to do. Think carefully if you can or you can’t do it. YOU make the choice.

i hope he’s get better now!!!! hyun joong don’t worry, we will support you forever..tke care of your health..eat more and sleep

I hope it’s true and I’m happy bout it..I hope DSP will take care of him, give a vacation and rest..so that he can go with his bandmembers in ASIAN TOUR..it’s boring if he can’t go with them.

Because of him we buy tickets for their concert in TAIWAN..We’re very excited to see him so plsssssss KHJ get well soon!!!

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